laromBible lessons

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This is the original black and white set of lessons I made each night for my own children's home school Bible lessons in 1992. I asked God to help me draw for I could not afford the artist fees of 75 dollars a sketch. I asked God to place His hand on mine and began the 4 month project. I was working full time as a family practice doctor and had 4 little children under the age of 7. Many times their food would go flying at meal time and land in my work space at the other end of the table. God even sent a duck when I was discouraged trying to draw one in heaven. My drawing of a duck looked too sick to live in heaven so He sent one to help give me courage. He has always provided in amazing ways. We even found that He has preserved this web site set when the files were dumped here locally. Someone in Korea picked them up and placed them on web. I praise God for I grieved the set was lost and started over in color using photos and all. Now at this date, that set has gone and we are trying to recover. The new server which has purchased it in April is just not showing that one of our 6 web sites. It causes so much grief for there are thousands of hours of work and it is the most visited and most prayed over site we have. Over 120 countries are visiting it. Since it belongs to God it also is being protected somehow. will again function. I believe that after discovering my original still intact without any changes just on another web site with another name. Now here is that set which is also available from Korea. Incidentally Larom is coined from both my husband and my name. He studied in '96' how to put these on web when he heard my daily prayer to do this. At that time many wrote to me and thanked me. Now there are so many sites for children, we do not get any letters, we just know by checking stats that many are visiting and being blessed.

Larom Bible Lessons for Children


 1. Who is God?
2. Great Controversy
3. Worthy is the Lamb
4. Jesus Loves Me
5. Jesus Died for Me
6. The Lord's Spirit
7. God is in Control
8. The Big Rock
9. Three Angels
10. 144,000

 21. Gifts for God
22. Mark of the Beast
23. God's Mark
29. Gifts
30. Second Coming
31. Dont be Afraid
32. God's Ornaments
33. Overcoming
34. Take no Bribes 

 11. What is Jesus Doing?
12. Temple in Heaven
13. What is God Doing?
14. How to Pray
15. After Jesus Comes
16. Creation's Mystery
17. When You Die
19. Baptism
20. Living Healthy

 35. Daily Oil
36. Go Tell
37. You are Precious
38. Feed My Sheep
39. Symbol of Promise
40. Stars in His Hand
41. Keep Burning

*The Passover
1. The Sanctuary
2. Daily Sacrifices

 3. Preparation
4. Two Goats
5. Three Books
6. Cleaning Up