15 After Jesus Comes

Up ] 1 Who Is God ] 2 Great Controversy ] 3 Jesus the Lamb ] 4 Jesus Loves You ] 5 God So Loved the World ] 6 Holy Spirit ] 7 Gods In Control ] 8 Rock Hits Image ] 9 Three Angels ] 10 144 Thousand ] 11 What Is Jesus Doing ] 12 Heavens Temple ] 13 What Is God Doing ] 14 How to Pray ] [ 15 After Jesus Comes ] 16 Creation ] 17 When You Die ] 19 Baptism ] 20 Health ] 21 Giving to Jesus ] 22 Mark of Beast ] 23 God's Mark ] 24 Endurance ] 29 Gifts ] 30 Second Coming ] 31 Dont Be Afraid ] 32 Gods Ornaments ] 33 Overcoming the World ] 34 No Bribes ] 35 Daily Oil ] 36 Go Tell ] 37 Precious ] 38 Feed My Sheep ] 39 Symbols of Promise ] 40 Stars In His Hand ] 41 Keep Burning ] *Job ] *Suffering ] Sanctuary ]

L15 After Jesus Comes

In one hour all this wealth has been laid waste.

Revelation 18: 17


Many church services were held in the tent sanctuary. One of these tells us what is going to happen the day after Jesus comes. The Day of Atonement was a special clean up day. It was in October. It started at sunset on one day and ended the next sunset.

Several animals were killed on this day as sacrifices before the main service could start. This was to make sure each person had asked for forgiveness for all their sins. The main service began when two baby goats were brought to the door of the sanctuary. Lots were cast to pick which one would represent God, and which would represent Satan. The one chosen to represent the Lord was killed and its blood was taken into the Most Holy Place.

After sprinkling the baby goats blood on the ark seven times, the High Priest went out into the Holy place and sprinkled some by the alter of incense. Then he went out to where the goat was by the door. This live goat represented Satan. The High Priest put all of the forgiven sins on this baby goats head (Leviticus 16).


Then the baby goat was taken out into the wilderness where no one lived. He was never supposed to come back to the camp. He could not even go back to his mama. This baby goat represented Satan. He will be punished for all the sins he encouraged God's children to do. He will be punished for all the bad things he has helped to happen. He has to pay for his sins. He will never go to Heaven to hurt us. There will never be sin again. No one will ever be hurt again.

The scape goat had everyone's sins in the camp placed on his head, and he had to be all by himself.

Satan will live on this earth after Jesus comes. But he will be all by himself. Satan will live on this earth for one thousand years after Jesus comes (Revelation 20: 2).

Satan has time out to think about all the unkind and evil things he has done. This is like when you have to sit on a chair as time out when you have done something wrong. But Satan has longer than three or four minutes. He has one thousand years to think. His suffering is intense. He is scared when he thinks about when God will come and punish him.

When you have time out, it is to help you think of what you did wrong. It is to give you time to say you are sorry. Satan never will be sorry. He had many chances to change his mind and he never will.





When the sun went down on the Day of Atonement, the sins had all gone out on the head of the baby goat. All the animals that had been killed and burned up had turned to ashes. Everyone that had touched the animals washed themselves.


 At the end of the world, God will clean up sin with fire. All those who hate God, all who would be miserable in Heaven will die. This would be awful if your best friend or one of your parents were in that fire.

Every day you can help God by trying to encourage your family and friends to ask Jesus into their hearts. You can encourage them with promises from the Bible. You can do kind things like Jesus did. Who knows, one of them might choose to live in Heaven because of you?