who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the
2: 29
forgot your first love. I'm worried that your light is almost
out. It used to burn so bright. The ones who love again will get
to eat from the tree of life.
One Who holds the stars and visits every member of the churches
does everything He can to keep the lamps from burning out. Jesus
said He was watching their lampstand and noticed all the good
things they had done, but there was a problem that was so
serious, it was making their light go out. They had lost their
ability to love. He said that if they did not change, He would
have to take their lampstand out of its place.
for Jesus is not a fitful feeling but shows itself in action. It
will be lived out as well as expressed. It warms the hearts of
teachers and students as the Holy Spirit softens and unifies
them in love. The Lord wants us to empty our hearts of sin every
day. He can help us do that. Then we can taste the powers of the
world to come (Revelation 2: 1- 7).
give up when you are hit by mud balls.
noticed that people are mean to you because you love and work
for Me. Do not give up. Those who think that it does not matter
what you do, just believe, I am worried about you. The one who
stays faithful will not be hurt by the worst event, the second
One Who was made fun of, was beat up, and died, but is now
when children do not like someone, they throw rocks or mud at
them or hit or kick. Sometimes they bite or pinch. When an adult
wants to show anger, they sometimes do these things too. But
usually they use their mouth to cause the damage. They say mean
and hateful things. Many times they do this when that person is
not there to hear. This may cause many people not to like that
person either. This is slander. Satan's helpers do these things
to anyone that is on God's team. The church of Smyrna was told
not to give up when people in the church slandered them or when
they were thrown in prison. Jesus encouraged them to be faithful
even to death and He would reward them with a crown of life. He
knew the Smyrna church was poor, but He said they were rich. He
must have meant rich in faith. Jesus was proud of them and
wanted them to stay on His team. He does not want you to be
afraid if Satan's helpers put you in prison for talking about
Sword of Truth
know you live where Satan lives. I am glad that you do not give
up your faith.
am concerned that some of you think it is fine to worship idols
and commit adultery. I mean that you put other things or people
in place of Me and made up church beliefs in place of Bible
truth. Also some of you believe the dangerous doctrine that it
does not matter what you do, just believe in God.
you do not change, I will cut away the rough places with my
Sword of truth. I have to do this to keep your light from going
you repent and follow Me, you can have a white rock with a new
name and you can eat manna with Me
One with the double edged Sword in His mouth
hidden m anna
is another symbol of God's Word. I wonder what the white rock
is! Do you think that, since God is like a rock, that it means
we will be like Him? We can be firm as a rock in our friendship
with God. Even though our sins have been red, God can make us
white as snow (Isaiah 1: 18).
Jesus not selfish Jezebel
know that you have done good things, and are loving and
faithful. You are even doing better things now that before. But
there is a serious problem. You tolerate Jezebel who calls
herself a prophetess and leads many to commit adultery, and
worship idols.
people will be punished with sickness and trouble. Those of you
who refuse to follow Jezebel, must hold fast to your faith until
I come. He that turns away from Jezebel who keeps My rules until
I come will be given authority over nations. I will also give
him the morning star.
One with eyes of fire that see everything and feet of burnished
bronze that have walked on earth.
has experienced the trials and temptations on this earth. He was
worried the lamp was going to go out at Thyatira because of the
wicked teachings of Jezebel. You remember, she lived during the
time of Elijah. Instead of drawing attention to Jesus and Hi s
Word, Jezebel wanted everyone to look at her and her pretty
clothes. It was nothing for her to kill the prophets of God to
get what she wanted.
you ever seen anyone like Jezebel? Being the center of attention
may be a dangerous thing for Christians. Instead of encouraging
every one to look at us, followers of Jesus are pointing people
to what God is like. Everyone who really loves God will do
without some thing like a new dress or new car so that they
could do some mission work for Jesus. They will also reflect
light from the Bright and Morning Star by the way they live.
They will also reflect light from the Bright and Morning Star by
the way they live. They will not be trying to show off their
talents but will point to Jesus, Who should be in the center of
the circle of our lives.
Morning Star is Jesus (Revelation 22: 16). Every true follower
of Jesus catches the beams from the Morning Star, and reflects
the light to those who are in darkness. Not only do they shine
in their own neighborhoods, but as a church they go to distant
places that need light.
you Dead or Alive?
love you so much. I carry you around in My hand to make sure
nothing happens to you. I am worried that your light is going
out. You think you are alive, but you are dead. Some of you are
barely alive. Hurry and wake up.
you wake up, you can wear a beautiful white robe. If you do not
wake up, it will be a surprise when I come. It will be like a
robber has broken into your house. Please wake up. Please, I
love you.
does this letter mean? We are still breathing. We can't be dead.
It must be another symbol of how we feel about God.
Romans 6: 11 Paul says we need to be dead to sin but alive to
Jesus. The love of self and pleasure seeking destroys our peace.
can we tell if we are dead or alive to Jesus? If I am dead, how
will I know it? We can tell by taking a look at what we like to
talk about and think about the most. What do we like to do and
read the most? If our favorite thing to do is read the Bible and
pray, and share what we have learned, then we are alive to
Door is Open
know the good you have done. I have opened a door to Heaven for
everyone who believes and follows. I opened this door when I
shed my blood. No one can shut this door. I am glad that you
have not denied My Name. I will make those in the church of
Satan to recognize that I love you. Because you have been true,
I will keep you during the hour of testing that is about to come
on the whole world. I am coming quickly. Hang onto what you have
and do not let anyone take your crown.
One who is Holy, True and has the Key to the house of David
Redeemer was born to Mary, one of the descendents of David. He
has opened the way so that the most sinful, most needy, the most
oppressed and despised, may find access to the Father. In faith
you can say, "Jesus, I believe." Then you can follow
His commandments. No one can close the door on you. Heaven is
open to the prayers of everyone.
Those who Dislike Work
are just lukewarm. I do not like lukewarm water. Because you are
lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth. You think you are
rich, and do not need anything, but you are miserable, poor,
blind and naked.
am standing at your door with things for sale that will fix the
problems. Will you open the door?
Faithful and True Witness
decided it was time for a vacation when God called him to do a
job. After 3 days in the belly of a fish, Jonah was spit out on
land and he decided he would do his job.
seekers see no need to work. They do not realize they are
miserable, poor, blind and naked. They need to be digging for
truth as for hidden treasure. They need to be praying for
clearer light so that they can see better. Then they need to be
looking for someone to share the light with. They need to love
others as Jesus does. The lukewarm person thinks he is a good
Christian. But when Jesus goes to pray for Him before the
Father, He feels sick and nauseated and throws up.
do not want to be spit out of Jesus mouth when He starts to pray
for what I need. I want to study my Bible and pray. I love to
work for Him, don't you?