It is like a baby who wants her bottle. All the time it is being prepared she cries. Even when she is told it is being made for her. She cannot understand why it takes so long. Certain things must be done and made clear before Jesus can come. But He will come soon. (Mathew 24; 2 Timothy 3; Revelation 22:6; Hebrews 10:37)
The baby scape goat is then taken out into the desert called the "wilderness of sin". This goat had to be all by itself. It wandered out there. This was a drama of how Revelation 20 will happen. The angel of God binds up Satan and he is alone for 1,000 years before his destruction. Satan will be banished from heaven forever. He will have no one to hurt or cause to sin during this time. Explore the Revelation Bible lessons for children on this. You will understand this even better when you study the last 4 lessons of Revelation. (Rev. 20:2)
His suffering is intense. He is terrified when he thinks about when God will come and punish him.
Every day you can help God by trying to encourage your family and friends to ask Jesus into their hearts. You can encourage them with promises from the Bible. You can do kind things like Jesus did. Who knows, one of them might choose to live in Heaven because of you?
At the end of the day of atonement all the sacrifices were burned out side the camp. All that was left was ashes. There was not any fires burning all year to remind them of sin. It was just a heap of ashes. The baby goat did not live forever in the wilderness. There is no one burning in hell for ever and ever. In Malachi 4:3 it speaks of the wicked people as ashes. "all that do wickedly shall be stubble (dry grass); and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch." Malachi 4:1