Daily Sacrifices

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L2 Daily Sacrifices


DAT10.gif (18780 bytes)Every morning and evening, lambs were brought into the court to the Alter of Sacrifice. People said they were sorry for their sins. They put their hands on the animals head and said they were sorry.

The lamb was killed and placed on the altar. The people were to think about the promised Savior who would come to our world. It had not happened yet. They were looking at an acted out prophecy. He would die for our sins like the lamb.

When Jesus did come, he died at the very hour of the evening sacrifice just like the tabernacle service showed it would.

We do not bring lambs any more to say we are sorry. Jesus was like the lamb. Jesus did not stay dead. He became alive again after three days. Now He forgives you when you say you are sorry.


DAT11.gif (14770 bytes)Some Blood from the killed lamb was sprinkled about on the bronze altar of Sacrifice. Some blood was taken in and sprinkled in front of the curtain of God the '¡¯Most Holy room". This was done every day. Every day the sins of the people were taken to the tent church. By the end of the year it needed to be cleaned up. There was a large collection of sins there. In heaven there is a collection of your sins in the record books that are in the hands of the angels that stand before God. There needs to be a time for clean up. This clean up day was called the Day of Atonement.

Again, here is an acted out prophecy. Once a year the people had this acted out drama of the end of sin and sinners. Let's explore this story of the Day of Atonement.