and allowed me the privilege of training and working with Him:
God has led me to train as a family doctor with residency training and certification. I prayed every day during training that God could use me as a missionary doctor. God helped me graduate from residency in 1989. I love doing medical missionary work. It was my childhood dream to do this. God has sent me into long houses in Borneo having traveled by dug out canoe. The jungles have a whole different set of medical challenges. My dear Father in heaven answered my prayer for children after 13 years. They are a treasure He is helping me train for His work. Jesus sends me out once or twice a year doctoring and teaching our children to help in clinics in the day and at night holding gospel meetings. The rest of the time, we place materials on this web site and study. My third son helps with 3 D graphics and animations. Another son loves photography.
BS in Nursing Walla Walla College, BA Theology Walla Walla College, Minor in Biology at WWC Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Masters level at Loma Linda University Family Practice Physician Family Practice Residency and certification
1976-7 1 Year prior to graduation my husband and I spent 1 year doing volunteer nursing in Southern Mexico at Hospital Del Sureste in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. Experiences with Tetanus, TB, demon possession, and many challenges are written up under "stories":
RN: 7 years as Registered nurse: General Duty, Intensive Neonatal Care, Pediatrics, Surgical, obstetrics, and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: 1 YEAR 1980-1981 serving Laotian refuges and the inner city teen girls of Kansas City, Ks. Doctor: 7 years as a family practice physician in America and 7 more years as a part time missionary doctor in tropical regions. Missionary: 19 Over seas mission trips (9 times for Mexico, 2 cities in Russia, 1 in the Ukraine, 2 cities in Belarus, 2 villages in Borneo, India- 18 cities in 2002 and 21 Indian villages in 2003, Bapatla, India in 2005) The next projects this year include Philippines and Peru. All missions are volunteer efforts totally depending on God to provide. We consider it the greatest privilege to do these mission efforts providing free medical care and gospel meetings in jungle areas and areas of poverty. Child Evangelist: 1980-2003 church meetings for children, 1993-2003 evangelistic programs world wide (adult and child) Sanctuary Seminars: 1986-2003 Sanctuary Walk Through Model. We have traveled to churches, schools, camp meetings, etc. Adult and child levels of presentations (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Borneo, Mexico, India, America: Kansas, Missouri, Idaho, Washington, Oregon)
Many years we have gone to do children's meetings in other parts of the world on Jerry's birthday. It gives me therapy to hug them and see their smiles. It is like I am hugging my Jerry. These Bible lessons were designed for my own prayed for children. However, friends urged we make them public in 1992. These lessons have all been tested on thousands of children and teens. Though it has taken years of time, all our children became involved in helping to prepare this material for Web site use. In the process they have learned special technical skills. We always are blessed when we share. The more recent lessons are naturally geared for teens as that is what I am dealing with at home now.
Jesus treasures all His children more than I ever possibly could. He places an angel guard about them to protect. You can read stories on this site of how Satan had them under attack in different countries by knives, danger of falling in a cave, danger of drowning and other stories. I am happy to tell you God is a strong defender of His children. God also has a tender place in His heart for all children. The children of the world are under His tender care. I enjoy sharing with all adults and children what a special friend I have found in Jesus. Though we have our share of trouble and sorrow, Jesus never has left us. He always answers our prayers. He is closer during our trials, losses and discouragements. I praise His name. My favorite promises: He gently leads those who are with young. Isaiah Isaiah 40:11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry [them] in his bosom, [and] shall gently lead those that are with young. Isaiah 49:25 ...for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. |
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Check out our other web sites,,, On the larombible, you will find many interesting stories of answered prayer in the life of Dr. Rose. There are mission stories, and studies on Revelation, and Basic Bible beliefs with nature video clips and Scripture music. There are many health talks under lesson 20 of Basic Bible. These are subjects interesting and useful for children and youth. Grief Recovery speaks to God's comfort during loss. This web site is very large with a great variety of information interesting to children and teens. This site has been up since 1996 with the greatest increase in world wide visits in 2001 and 2002. Praise God for all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. Romans 8:28
"Who can separate us from the love of Christ? Ro 8:35-37