Train Accident

Home Sheep skin 60 miles on Empty Tickets for India Luggage Miracles Porter Demands Hyderabad Transition Train Accident Tenali 4 villages Child with Fever Healed Teen with fever Demons cast out Funeral Bible Thirst Taxi Driver Father's Bible Night Watch Chapatees Projector shocks Surprise Visitor Neenas Orphanage Remote Clinic Killer Heat Wave Unforgettable Train Ride Bangalore Sunshine Orphanage Keyboard Misunderstood Stranded Homebound Miracles God's Electricity FOOD

Welcome to a collection of stories of our walk of faith in India.

As we all squeezed into places about our luggage, the pastor and church members ingeniously found stow away places for everything. Everyone on the train was curious about us. We were exhausted from the trip and soon fell asleep while the pastor watched over us and found us water to drink and cared for our luggage.
We stayed awake as long as we could and took pictures of things we passed. It was a great way to get an idea of what the countryside looked like where we were going. The heat was alleviated by the breezes entering the windows. Many lived in huts or under a tarp along the train tracks.
Oxen  were plowing in the rice paddies.
There were red fields of harvested chili.
We saw palm trees and pretty flowers.  For the most part it was really dry and barren between Hyderabad and Tenali.
The country side was full of new colors and trees mostly at the train stops where people could keep these watered. It was summer time and dry and hot.
At every train stop people came onto the train selling things. The language was Telugu. Pastor would ask if there was anything we wanted to eat as these people offered food for sale.

It was a great way to become accustomed to the culture differences.

Many foods were available. 
There was jack fruit. WE had some later. It tasted like a mild pineapple and banana put together. It had a smooth texture.

 All manner of vegetables were for sale.

Coconuts were everywhere. Papayas and mangos were for sale.
As the train made many stops we watched the people and realized they were precious people working hard to survive.
Many pineapples were hanging up ready to eat. We learned later that they had a very delicious flavor.
The clothes that the men wore were very much like they do in America. Yet several men wore cloth wraps that were called lungies.

When people were in agreement that a sale was good or that all was done correctly they had a sidewise motion of the head that accompanied a smile.

As Kyle sat at the window watching the interesting countryside, the heavy glass window above his arm came crashing down as we went over a jolting bump. There was a heavy metal strip on the edge and his arm was pinched between two metal objects. He was in instant agony. His faced paled and sweat stood on his brow though he felt very cool.  He fainted in my arms. I gently laid him on the bench and put his arm in natural position and put gentle traction on it. I could not feel a break but it seemed many symptoms pointed that way.   At the next stop and those thereafter the pastor hopped off the train and looked for ice. Finally he found some after about one hour. I held the arm for many hours. WE did all we could to keep him comfortable. I had an ace wrap and sling in the medical bag. I gave him medication for pain. We all gathered about him and prayed.
A couple days later as he helped carry equipment bags, there was a popping noise and  he was again in great pain as before. I again wrapped him up and instructed him not to remove the wraps. He was medicated and had pain relief from the positioning. Swelling was kept minimal with charcoal poultices and ice. I know God has power to do what we ask Him to do. As the days progressed, in three weeks he was pain free.