Hyderabad Transition

Home Sheep skin 60 miles on Empty Tickets for India Luggage Miracles Porter Demands Hyderabad Transition Train Accident Tenali 4 villages Child with Fever Healed Teen with fever Demons cast out Funeral Bible Thirst Taxi Driver Father's Bible Night Watch Chapatees Projector shocks Surprise Visitor Neenas Orphanage Remote Clinic Killer Heat Wave Unforgettable Train Ride Bangalore Sunshine Orphanage Keyboard Misunderstood Stranded Homebound Miracles God's Electricity FOOD

Welcome to a collection of stories of our walk of faith in India.

We arrived in Hyderabad watching for the agreed upon sign. The Sunday church pastor Jaya was waiting there with a poster he had made with a picture of the rainbow on it. The words I will never leave you or forsake you were on the sign. This was the man we were to work with for 21 days. Outside he had many taxi's awaiting all ready for our transition to the train. He had spent many hours on his knees in prayer for our safety. He tenderly loaded our bags which outnumbered his own belongings. He respectfully guided us to taxis and loaded all with the help of his church members.
We arrived at the train to wait for several hours for the next departure. He gave us the option of waiting even longer for the express train or going by the common train with less comfort and getting there sooner. We opted for getting there sooner. As we stood there about our pile of luggage a crowd watched. The manager of the train station noticed us. He asked about our purpose in India. The pastor told them we came to do social service. The manager unlocked a very nice air conditioned lounge with restroom facilities and let us sleep on his nice padded sofas. He guarded our things and made sure we were safely onto the next train. God again showed special favor to us His exhausted servants.
Finally it was time to board the train. We followed quickly behind our bags to find which car we had to get onto. Each of the children ran along behind the men with the 21 bags.  I clutched Jenny's hand praying that no one would be left behind in the crowded train station. God helped pastor to only have to pay 500 rupees to the porters. The pastor worried that amount was way too much. We did all we could to conserve funds so we could purchase many Bibles. We carried our own bags at every opportunity. Whenever I thanked the helping church members, they said they were not working for us but for God. They were just moving HIS LUGGAGE.

More about the accident in the train in the next story.