VBS Katevarum

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Vacation Bible School



  We agreed to do a morning series for children for a prayer house.

  We bumped along in the rickshaw and arrived after they had already had some program for the day. We were thankful when God provided the power we needed. While were plugging things together the kids were singing. The enthusiasm in their singing was so loud that Jenny experienced a head ache.

   The little village was called Kattevaram. There was a lot of action with the kids singing and going through motions of jumping and turning around. It was a happy group of children.  They loved the pictures of frogs and the program of different things God is likened to in the Bible. Most of the little girls had their pretty black hair in braids with ribbons on them. They put coconut oil on the hair so all the hairs are pinned against their heads and nothing is out of place. Their dark eyes were dancing with excitement as they listened and watched the special picture program. They had never seen anything like it.

  I forgot to count those gyrating bodies till they sat still for meeting.

  At the time of the meal I counted 60 children. These little ones sat cross legged on the floor with their little bowl of rice and curry in front of them.  They happily ate enjoying the fellowship of all the others.

The children loved their meeting on who is God. At quiz time there were  many good correct answers showing they listened well. Jenny had forgotten to take the quiz items so she scoured through all the bags and came up with 12 markers with pretty ribbons. Everywhere people try so hard to get one. We notice that  they treasure these and keep them perfect in their Bibles. We saw some from  last year.

  We had promised to do 3 meetings for these children but we left town to do meetings in another city and could not fulfill this request. The children were greatly disappointed.