Snake Charmer Incident

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Snake Charmer Incident


After looking all over the streets for the illusive snake charmer, we found him as we were on our way home giving up. I was so happy to find him that I started clicking away as soon as I got out of the rickshaw.


This man began spitting out angry expressions like an angry cobra striking its victim.

I had two pictures before I realized he was angry at me. I heard from Brother Rao a translation of the reasons for anger. This man believed taking pictures of his snakes would kill them. He wanted 5oo rupees per photo. He was so ridiculous, I turned and walked off down the street. I had asked how much these guys would want and was told before going out looking that a couple of rupees.

Now brother Rao was left there giving this guy 15 rupees for my mistake. He is clever at making peace for my goofs in their culture. He did not anticipate this reaction from his country man. He had told me the man would expect a couple rupees.

I was half way down the street when he caught up and filled me in on the anger episode.  Their consumption of Chili makes them more easily violent in temper than any place I have been in the world.