Every Need Supplied

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God Supplied Every Need

In His time

  I read a most amazing statement. I never realized Heaven had an accounting angel for God’s treasury. There are columns for income donations and where that money was actually spent. There are columns to record the motive, and the result of the gift. There are entries as to the reluctance or willingness of the giver. Even if the gift is not used as the donor intended, the blessing of God will be given. They do not loose their reward. Every chance to help the needy or to spread the truth is a pearl that is sent ahead to deposit in heaven’s bank. He watches how we use His lavish gifts to us.

“ I was shown that the recording angel makes a faithful record of every offering dedicated to God, and put into the treasury, and also of the final result of the means thus bestowed.” Christian Service 221

  Somehow I missed these details before. I see great comfort in this. Any gift given has heaven’s computerized accuracy in tracing from the time of giving  to the use made of it. Even though His daughter was robbed, God could have intervened. It was His money. He waited 30 days to provide it all. He was in control of all that happened. He made good come out of the robbery. There were many more opportunities to share the gospel. People cared for us in their homes and we could share God's love and sing and pray there too. (Mathew 10 encourages this method among friends of Jesus)

I have always known My God sees the way I use the gifts I take to spread the gospel. I often wish I could transport the giver to see the results. Many pictures are taken so I can express the joy of planting seeds and seeing some land in good soil that bears fruit.

God will water the seeds as He promised. He can even bring about conditions which will change stony soil, hard path soil, and thorny soil.

 He can keep the birds away. Birds are the faultfinding attitudes, the forgetfulness of blessings, and criticism of the human messenger God sends with truth. These Birds steal away the beautiful truths from softening and changing the heart.

It is in the power of choice to determine the soil we have in our own heart. Praise God He provides the power to overcome.