Translator Miracles
Though I have frequently prayed and pleaded with God to give me the gift of speaking fluently in the local language, God chose to have me depend on local available translators. This gave a fair opportunity to each to focus on the most important theme for these end times. Without an understanding of the themes of the sanctuary, one will not have enough faith to sustain their trust in God during the final crisis.
I arrived in Guerrero, it was ahead of schedule for the translator I had planned
to have. Addy was in dental training. She was the daughter of the pastor who had
invited me. I had discovered her God given abilities when she helped me preach a
sermon in Tuxtla Gutierez in 2003. I was thrilled to find that she had animation
and emotion so very close to mine. She smiled when I smiled and expressed what I
did on my face. She did this by standing very near me and studying my
expressions and delivering the translation in the same manner. I have had many
other translators in the world and each has their own personality and style. All
do their very best. But I had never had one do as well. I was looking forward to
her arrival from school.
In the meantime, a teacher in the English school in the area graciously agreed to do her very best. With this understanding, we began a series in a very small church. I was not sure how to spell her name. It sounded like Mila. Each day she came early to receive the notes. She wanted the notes the night before but I had not written them out. I needed 4 hours each morning sometimes 5 to write out sometimes 20 pages including quiz and references.
I sure appreciated her gift of love. She had a very difficult task and worked hard and I know God used her to help speak HIS words. In the second series of meetings when the dentist came, she helped Jenny in the children's meetings. This was a very generous contribution of her time.
During medical clinics, we spoke in Spanish and did our best in understanding the needs. God helped us more at this time than in the evenings where He wanted translators to focus on the message. This made HIS plan more obvious. We are in the end of time and God promised to give all a fair opportunity to choose before the door of mercy is closed.
She proved very faithful and God laid His hand on her to help as we prayed for this.
Follow the Lamb series of fifteen lectures was given in Cauaohtemoc utilizing first
Mira then Addy by the fourth or fifth night. I added in more health talks and
experiences and rented busses to bring people from other villages. The church
filled when the bus arrived.
Each day I pleaded with God for an outpouring of His grace and Spirit and He did not disappoint us. Quiz time revealed that the points were getting across.
One night as the Spirit moved to make a strong point on the time we are living in, I asked the dentist to share what had recently happened to her cousin in the loss of her arm. The audience was moved to tears as the story of the young seventeen year old young girl whose faith showed she had a strong relationship with Jesus. The cousin of Addy had been in a vehicle which was struck on the passenger side. Her severed arm was reattached yet the surgery was not successful. All had gathered about her pleading for God to save the arm but she was pleading God would save the relatives.
I was pleased that she was ready and willing to share any song that I might ask for even during the middle of my talk without any previous warning. She was so committed to the presentation and so willing, I really appreciated her service to the Lord.
I was hoping she could also help me on the island in ciudad Del Carmen. It was with great joy I had her help me on the first meeting. While I was resting and having last words with my boys before their flight out the next morning, Addy had a concert.
We were pleased for the willingness of Alma to help in Cd. del Carmen. Every day at the school she helped get the themes into Spanish. In the meeting at night, it was getting difficult. One night Amos was on the front row and called out a helpful translation when she paused. She hesitated and was frustrated. Amos kindly helped the rest of the meeting. He had many other appointments but graciously rearranged his schedule to accommodate the daily translations including the added recording requested by several people. I was asked to provide an opportunity to record a whole week that was finished. Amos graciously assisted the extra two hours needed daily that last week. On the final Sunday it was a 6 hour steady recording. We both were very tired as we finished.
was amazing how God sustained during that. God put his hand on Amos and he was
gifted for the task at hand. I had freedom to share what God put in my
heart. The series had a total of 19 presentations. Two of these were combined
into one longer one. At quiz time, Amos enjoyed this for he loves teaching. It
was fun to see the interaction as he went to each tribe banner and asked the
questions directly to that area of the church using the roving microphone. It
worked out extremely well.
God always provides. (Phil. 4:19)