Water for Thirsty Missionaries
was ready to march in with the procession. Her mouth was so dry she could not
get notes out of the flute. We stood outside the church and prayed that God
would provide more saliva for I also needed it to be able to speak for the next
2 hours.
went ahead in faith and God provided. Half way through the meeting the
translator's daughter brought some bottled water for us. God is so good.
Jesus said: "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give Me to drink; thou wouldst have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water. . . . Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:10-14.
Fill the whole heart with the words of God. They are the living water, quenching your burning thirst. They are the living bread from heaven. Jesus declares, "Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." [JOHN 6:53.] And he explains himself by saying, "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." [JOHN 6:63.] Our bodies are built up from what we eat and drink; and as in the natural economy, so in the spiritual economy, it is what we meditate upon that will give tone and strength to our spiritual nature. {CE 57.1}
Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life. The receiver becomes a giver. The grace of Christ in the soul is like a spring in the desert, welling up to refresh all, and making those who are ready to perish eager to drink of the water of life.--The Desire of Ages, p. 195. {ChS 9.6}
We had just totally used up all the fluid we had by sharing for the past 12 hours when it was time to deliver the evening meeting. We needed God to replenish our supply. He provided for all our needs. (Phil. 4:19)
There is a satisfaction in this living water that one cannot get anywhere else:
But those who drink of the living water will thirst no more for frivolous, sensual, exciting amusements. The ennobling principles of religion will strengthen the mental powers and will destroy a taste for these gratifications. {CH 241.2}
Those who minister to others will be ministered unto by the Chief Shepherd. They themselves will drink of the living water, and will be satisfied. They will not be longing for exciting amusements, or for some change in their lives. The great topic of interest will be, how to save the souls that are ready to perish. Social intercourse will be profitable. The love of the Redeemer will draw hearts together in unity. {DA 641.1}
When we realize that we are workers together with God, His promises will not be spoken with indifference. They will burn in our hearts, and kindle upon our lips. {DA 641.1}
Here is an interesting statement:
You are guilty before God if you do not make every effort possible to dispense this living water to others.--Historical Sketches, p. 291. {ChS 12.4}