Healthy & Feeling Good

Up Water Exercise Fresh Air Sunlight Good Diet Rest Temperance Trust in God

It is very important for each one to stay in as good of health as possible. When you are young, what you do makes a difference on how strong you grow up to be.



You are God's temple, and God's Spirit lives in you. 1 Corinthians 3:16

Under this topic of health, are many different pages which deal with ways to keep in shape. All these topics are very important. Each is vital to the over all health.
There is a large variety of topics and interesting illustrations.

The first topic is Dr. Water

Diet is important for good health. Our topics cover good health choices. More programs and recipes will be added that children love. You can find these under the button of delicious recipies.
The brain works so much better if the body is well. It needs good food to operate at its best. Check out these health topics and make intelligent choices to feel better. Click on the buttons above to see the 8 natural remedies God has recommended for feeling good.

This has been "Your Daily Dose" from Dr. Rose