The protein sources for vegan diets are endless. Our favorites are ones we
have taken to large group gatherings after all approve it at home. These prize
winners are ones shared with you. The most finicky will like these foods. Color,
appearance, and arrangement go a long ways to help in any diet changes. As a
physician, I had many patients on various diets. Variety is the important
key to avoiding burn out. We have found also that the favorite, lasagna can be
repeated once a week on the Sabbath as a very special treat. Check out our other
web site for more on health:
select the Basic Bible button and choose lesson 20. Under this there are over 20
health topics to choose from.
Click here to see how to make gluten rice stroganoff.
Click here to make cari puffs like we enjoyed in
Sarawak. (Borneo)
Click here for lasagna
Click here for Manicotti recipe.