Bible story time was well attended by all ages.
Jenny began the young people meetings directly after the BIBLE word for word DVD's of the Books of Mathew, John, Acts and lastly Doug Batchelor's END EVENTS DVD.
There were Bible stories illustrated on the big sheet tied to bamboo poles. These were projected from laptop through graphics projector. Teacher Rao translated each evening after a finishing his work at school. All 20 Bible stories were selected on illustrating how to or how not to keep the 10 commandments. Along with these stories were lessons on who God is, what is He like, and what does He expect from us. She covered topics on Tithe, Sabbath, Death, Health, God's loyalty mark and Satan's loyalty marks. She was asked why she did not wear ornaments when they tried to dress her up, so at the end she shared a beautiful story on God's favorite ornaments as discussed in 1 Peter 3:3
young boy caught our sympathy as he had a struggle to get to meetings. His legs
had been crippled by polio. He had to crawl or walk on his hands. It is our
prayer and dream to see this boy walk. We know he can in heaven but how we wish
for help for him now.
Several young people made promises to God to study their Bibles and live for HIM.