Layers of the sanctuary tent are interesting in how they were arranged. There is meaning in every detail. |
![]() Jesus was without unusual "form or comeliness that we should desire Him". He was plain and simple and not strikingly handsome. He was a strong man having worked as a carpenter but not of greater height and more handsome than the rest of the Jews at the time He lived on earth. What He did to save us is what is the most beautiful thing about Him. |
![]() ![]() Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and
as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when
we shall see him, [there is] no beauty that we should desire him. |
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![]() Red throughout the whole tent was a symbol of the blood of Jesus. Jesus shed His blood for us. He took the the punishment we deserved so if we believe in Him we can have eternal life. |
![]() A goat defends the flock. He is bold and fears nothing. Jesus defends His Bible loving obedient people against Satan. "But the defender of man, the restorer, mightier than the mightiest, hears the demands and claims of Satan, and answers him: "The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan..." [ZECH. 3:2-5.] {CE 159.2} Christian Education p. 169 by Ellen White |
50 Brass Clasps
connected the 11 panel goat curtains![]() |
The Bible says the goat curtains were 11 panels hooked together with cloth loops and joined by brass clasps. Five were in one group and six in another group. Brass is a symbol of Jesus' life on earth. The altar of sacrifice was of brass. The serpent on the snake was brass. Jesus became sin for us. The Defender of His flock, Jesus died so we could live. He took our sins on Himself. On the Day of Atonement the Lord's goat was sacrificed and His blood taken and sprinkled before the mercy seat. Fifty days after His sacrifice on the cross, He was before the Father in heaven welcomed and received with great joy. He had some friends with Him that He had resurrected. |
Exodus 26:7 -12 |
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![]() This layer of curtains was 10 panels long. It had 50 blue loops at the edge of each. 50 Gold loops hooked them together. Blue is a symbol of God's law. The gold is a symbol of faith working by love. I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou can be rich; and white raiment, that thou can be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint your eyes with eyesalve (God's eye medicine), that thou can see." Rev. 3:17, 18. The gold tried in the fire is faith that works by love. Only this can bring us into harmony with God. We may be active, we may do much work; but without love, such love as dwelt in the heart of Christ, we can never be numbered with the family of heaven. {COL 158.2} Christ Object Lessons How can you buy (gold) faith? By reading the Words of God and storing them in your heart. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 |
At the death of Christ, the curtain between the holy
room and most holy room was ripped from top to bottom by God Himself
showing that the nation had unchurched
themselves. From that time on, anyone could pray and Jesus would
be the High Priest mediator. There would not be a use for this on earth.
"They cried out for the crucifixion of Christ and, as representatives of the Jewish nation, placed themselves under the Roman jurisdiction, which they despised, by saying, "We have no king but Caesar." When they said this, they unchurched themselves." {12MR 388.1} When Christ cried out, "It is finished," the Holy Watcher that was an unseen guest at Belshazzar's feast pronounced the Jewish nation to be a nation unchurched. The same hand that traced on the wall the characters that recorded Belshazzar's doom and the end of the Babylonian kingdom, rent the veil of the temple from top to bottom.--5BC 1109. {TA 204.3} Israel a Nation Unchurched.--In Christ the shadow reached its substance, the type its antitype. Well might Caiaphas rend his clothes in horror for himself and for the nation; for they were separating themselves from God, and were fast becoming a people unchurched by Jehovah. Surely the candlestick was being removed out of its place. {5BC 1109.2}
![]() Hebrews 6:19 Which [hope] we have as an anchor of the soul, both
sure and steadfast, and which enters into that within the veil; |
![]() 1.The outside layer represented what about Jesus? 2. What do you think of when you see roots? (Isaiah 53) 3. What was the next animal skin layer? 4. Why was it red? And how did they get it that way? 5. The next layer in towards the inside was another animal skin. Can you name it? 6. How was Jesus like a goat? 7. How many loops and brass clasps connected each goat hair panel? 8. What does brass represent? 9. How many days after Jesus raised from the dead till He appeared before His Father with His friends along? 10. What did the gold represent in Revelation where Jesus says to buy it? 11. How many gold clasps fastened the blue loops of the red, blue, and purple curtains? 12. How many panels of red, blue and purple curtains were there? 13. How many panels of goat curtains were there? 14. Can you tell the story of the brass serpent on the pole lifted for snake bitten people to look at? 15. Do the numbers and colors and materials tell part of the stories of God's tent? |
"The gorgeous curtain which formed the ceiling, inwrought with figures of angels in blue and purple and scarlet, added to the beauty of the scene. And beyond the second veil was the holy Shekinah, the visible manifestation of God's glory, before which none but the high priest could enter and live. The matchless splendor of the earthly tabernacle reflected to human vision the glories of that heavenly temple where Christ our forerunner ministers for us before the throne of God. The abiding-place of the King of kings, where thousand thousands minister unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before him; [DAN. 7:10.] that temple, filled with the glory of the eternal throne, where seraphim, its shining guardians, veil their faces in adoration, could find, in the most magnificent structure ever reared by human hands, but a faint reflection of its vastness and glory. Yet important truths concerning the heavenly sanctuary and the great work there carried forward for man's redemption, were taught by the earthly sanctuary and its services." {GC88 413.3} Great Controversy by Ellen White |
"Within the second vail was placed the ark of the testimony,
and the beautiful and rich curtain was drawn before the sacred ark. This
curtain did not reach to the top of the building. The glory of God,
which was above the mercy-seat, could be seen from both apartments, but
in a much less degree from the first apartment. Directly before the ark,
but separated by the curtain, was the golden altar of incense. The fire
upon this altar was kindled by the Lord himself, and was sacredly
cherished by feeding it with holy incense, which filled the sanctuary
with its fragrant cloud, day and night. Its fragrance extended for miles
around the tabernacle. When the priest offered the incense before the
Lord, he looked to the mercy-seat. Although he could not see it, he knew
it was there; and as the incense arose like a cloud, the glory of the
Lord descended upon the mercy-seat, and filled the most holy place, and
was visible in the holy place; and the glory often so filled both
apartments that the priest was unable to officiate, and was obliged to
stand at the door of the tabernacle. The priest in the holy place,
directing his prayer by faith to the mercy-seat, which he could not see,
represents the people of God directing their prayers to Christ
before the mercy-seat in the heavenly sanctuary. They cannot behold
their Mediator with the natural eye, but with the eye of faith they see
Christ before the mercy-seat, and direct their prayers to him, and with
assurance claim the benefits of his mediation. {1SP 273.3} |
![]() Between the cherubim was a golden censer. And as the prayers of
the saints in faith came up to Jesus, and he offered them to his Father,
a sweet fragrance arose from the incense. It
looked like smoke of most beautiful colors. Above the place where
Jesus stood, before the ark, I saw an exceeding bright glory that I
could not look upon. It appeared like a throne where God dwelt. As the
incense ascended up to the Father, the excellent glory came from the
Father's throne to Jesus, and from Jesus it was shed upon those whose
prayers had come up like sweet incense. Light and glory poured upon
Jesus in rich abundance, and overshadowed the mercy-seat, and the train
of the glory filled the temple. I could not long look upon the glory. No
language can describe it. I was overwhelmed, and turned from the majesty
and glory of the scene. {1SG 158.1} |